Budgie Communication

Budgies, just like other birds, have their own ways of Communicating, or Bird Language. Budgies communicate to other Budgies and also communicate to their owners, in a variety of ways. While all species have their own unique methods of bird language, there are many generalities.

Budgies use their body, body parts and voices to express a wide range of emotions.

Some budgies give out a type of bark when excited or when trying to prove their dominance.

Beak Clicking
When a budgie is clicking its beak, it is trying to tell others it is threatened or that it is protecting something.

Beak Grinding
When a budgie grinds its beak the bird is trying to communicate it is feeling secure and content.

Beak Wiping
When a budgie wipes its beak the bird is trying to communicate that he is aggravated or upset about something. Beak wiping is also typically normal behavior for birds when they are trying to clean the beak or dislodge something stuck in it.

Some budgies just like to talk, talk about anything; their environment, how they feel etc. so to communicate their thoughts, through chatter, sometimes incessantly, sometimes loud, sometimes soft.

Young birds chirp or chatter when they want fed. Budgies in the wild often chatter as a warning sign to other birds that something is not right in their environment, or as a call to attract another bird's attention.

If the bird is crouching with its head toward the owner, the birds wants to be petted or scratched.
If crouching with head down, relaxed body and raised wings, the bird wants attention. If crouching with head down, eyes pinning, flared tail feathers, ruffled feathers, and a rigid body, the bird is giving a warning to back off.

Flashing or Dilating Pupils
Flashing or dilating pupils the bird may be trying to communicate aggression, excitement, nervousness, or pleasure.

Some budgies communicate with a type of growl that means back off mister and leave me alone.

Head Snaking
A budgies that is shaking it's head from side to side means it is excited.

A panting bird is overheated, overexerted and uncomfortable.

A budgie can give a type of purr communicating the bird is relaxed and content.

A budgie sings when it is communicating a message to another budgie, perhaps as a mating call, or when it is content and happy.

A budgie talks when it is content and happy and wants to send a message to another budgie or its owner.

Tail Bobbing
When a bird bobs its tail that may mean it is sick, but also some birds bob their tails when they are talking or singing.

Tail Fanning
Tail fanning by a budgie indicates it's unhappy about something and may become aggressive

Tail Wagging
Just like dogs, tail wagging communicates that a budgie is content or happy.

Tongue Clicking
When a bird gives a rapid clicking of their tongue they are trying to communicate friendliness or an invitation to be friends.

Wing Drooping
A Bird will droop its wings for several reasons. It may have just taken a bath and it's holding the wings down while drying. It may happen in young birds that have not learned how to hold their wings. The bird may be overheated and wanting to cool itself. The bird may be sick.

Wing Flipping
If a caged bird is flicking it's wings sharply, it is communicating annoyance or fear. It could also mean the bird has lost its balance and is trying to correct itself, if this is the case the wing flipping won't last long.

Wing and Body Quivering
Quivering wings and body means the bird is fearful of something in its immediate environment.

Wing Drumming
Birds drum their wings when they need exercise or out of boredom. It may also communicate the bird is protecting its territory.

When a bird whistles it is communicating that the bird feels content, safe and is at ease in its world.